Saturday, July 10, 2010

Visitor to the pond

Jack trying to rescue the turtle from the pond. Success! Jo has been rescued!

Would not come out of shell and be friendly..

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer 2010

The yard is at its peak for the summer. The caladiums are looking beautiful.

This is the lower pond with 10 goldfish.

Summer 2010

Our "back patio". The upper pond is between it and Jack's shop. The water fall in the pond sounds great, very soothing. Come sit!

Summer 2010

This is the reason I am going to the poor house. The doves empty the feeder every day!

Yes, I had to get in the picture! Wanted you to see how tall the Crape Myrtle is.

Summer 2010

Summer 2010

Summer 2010

New flower bed in an area where it was too shaded to grow grass. Greenhouse and pond in background.

Our tree Int!☺ Gift to me from Laurel and the boys.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Wrens Nest

Momma wren building her nest. It is down in the corner in front of the thermometer.

Five eggs!

The Wrens Nest

Hard to see the babies, but they are there!

Momma wren and her children

Momma wren feeding her babies.

Took this one outside. Think I see 4 babies. There were 5 eggs, maybe there are 5.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Moon over Hawkwood ☺

Well, did not see ISS, but did see this peeking through the clouds.