Monday, March 26, 2012

Cardinal eggs March 2012

Do not know what to think.  I thought I saw only one egg on Saturday. Hmmm???  Maybe it isn't abandoned but we certainly have not seen the mom and dad.  More to be revealed!


magpie said...

This is a Prize-Winning Picture, Lolly...Thank You !!!
Best Wishes for a Successful Hatch and Fledge....
might be some poop shoots to take pictures of also ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Those eggs are beautiful! Maybe they won't start incubation until the full clutch is laid? Thanks!

Sandi said...

Great pic, Lolly!! If all 3 hatch, the babies grow so quickly that they soon become too big to all fit in the nest. We had 3 babies one day and the next day there was only 1 left; pretty sure the other 2 were pushed out, though I never found them on the ground. Can only hope that all 3 survived!

Costume Lady said...

Such a pretty little nest, so neat!

Lynne2 said...

Awesome! They, like the bluebirds (and I'm sure others) will lay an egg every morning until the clutch is complete. She'll start incubation after the last egg is laid!